The designation of a waste management officer (WMO) at a municipal level is important in order to ensure that there is constant communication between all three spheres of government on the implementation of the Waste Act. In relation to the development of IWMP, a WMO could potentially play a critical role in ensuring that a municipality should develop its IWMP for compliance purposes. Chapter 3, Section 10(3) of the Waste Act requires that the National Department, Provinces and Municipalities designate WMOs in writing. The Department has developed a guideline on designation of a WMO which contains information on the duties of a WMO as well as the delegations of power and engagements with other WMOs. The Local government sphere WMOs will act as a point of contact between other spheres of government on waste management issues. This includes the development and implementation of IWMPs which will assist Provinces or the National department in obtaining any information pertaining to the implementation of the IWMP’s i.e. reporting on a municipality’s progress with regards to reaching its targets as per the IWMP, as well as ensuring that a municipality includes IWMP reporting in the annual performance reports as called for by the (Municipal Systems Act) MSA.