38. Establishment of performance management system
Error message
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 23 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 930 of /var/www/sites/iwmp.sawic.org.za/includes/bootstrap.inc).A municipality must -
- establish a performance management system that is -
- commensurate with its resources;
- best suited to its circumstances; and
- in line with the priorities, objectives, indicators and targets contained in its integrated development plan;
- promote a culture of performance management among its political structures, political office bearers and councillors and in its administration; and
- administer its affairs in an economical, effective, efficient and accountable manner.
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Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Interpretation
- Chapter 2: Legal nature and rights and duties of municipalities
- Chapter 3: Functions and powers
- Chapter 4: Community participation
- Chapter 5: Integrated development planning
- Chapter 6: Performance management
- 38. Establishment of performance management system
- 39. Development of performance management system
- 40. Monitoring and review of performance management system
- 41. Core components
- 42. Community involvement
- 43. General key performance indicators
- 44. Notification of key performance indicators and performance targets
- 45. Audit of performance measurements
- 46. Annual reports
- 47. Reports by MEC
- 48. Reports by Minister
- 49. Regulations and guidelines
- Chapter 7: Local public administration and human resources
- Chapter 8: Municipal services
- Chapter 9: Credit control and debt collection
- Chapter 10: Provincial and National Monitoring and Standard Setting
- Chapter 11: Legal matters
- Chapter 12: Miscellaneous
- Schedule 1: Code of conduct for councillors
- Schedule 2: Code of conduct for municipal staff members
- Schedule 3: Legislation Amended
- Amendment no. 7 of 2011