6. Establishment of national waste management strategy
- The Minister must, within two years of the date on which this section takes effect, by notice in the Gazette establish a national waste management strategy for achieving the objects of this Act, which must include-
- objectives, plans, guidelines, systems and procedures relating to the protection of the environment and the generation (including the avoidance and minimisation of such generation), re-use, recycling, recovery, treatment, disposal, use, control and management of waste in order to achieve the objects of this Act;
- mechanisms, systems and procedures for giving effect to the Republic's obligations in terms of relevant international agreements;
- practical measures for achieving co-operative governance in waste management matters;
- guidance on raising awareness regarding the impact of waste on health and the environment;
- approaches for securing compliance with the requirements of this Act, including the monitoring of compliance; and
- any other matter that the Minister considers necessary for achieving the objects of this Act.
- The national waste management strategy may include targets for waste reduction.
- The national waste management strategy-
- binds all organs of state in all spheres of government, and all persons if and to the extent applicable; and
- may, subject to section 3 of the Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act, 1997 (Act No. 97 of 1997), allocate and delineate responsibilities for the implementation of this Act amongst-
- the different spheres of government; and
- different organs of state.
- An organ of state must give effect to the national waste management strategy when exercising a power or performing a duty in terms of this Act or any other legislation regulating waste management.
- The national waste management strategy-
- may differentiate between different geographical areas;
- may differentiate between different classes or categories of waste;
- may provide for the phasing in of its provisions;
- may be amended; and
- must be reviewed by the Minister at intervals of not more than five years.
- Before publishing the national strategy, or any amendment to the strategy, the Minister must follow a consultative process in accordance with sections 72 and 73.
- Subsection (6) need not be complied with if the strategy is amended in a non-substantive manner.
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