Chapter 4: Waste management measures
- Part 1: Priority wastes
- Part 2: General duty
- Part 3: Reduction, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste
- Part 4: Waste management activities
- Part 5: Storage, collection and transportation of waste
- Part 6: Treatment, processing and disposal of waste
- Part 7: Industry waste management plans
- Part 8: Contaminated land
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Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Interpretation and principles
- Chapter 2: National waste management strategy, norms and standards
- Chapter 3: Institutional and planning matters
- Chapter 4: Waste management measures
- Part 1: Priority wastes
- Part 2: General duty
- Part 3: Reduction, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste
- Part 4: Waste management activities
- Part 5: Storage, collection and transportation of waste
- Part 6: Treatment, processing and disposal of waste
- Part 7: Industry waste management plans
- Part 8: Contaminated land
- Chapter 5: Licensing of waste management acativities
- Chapter 6: Waste information
- Chapter 7: Compliance and enforcement
- Chapter 8: General matters
- Chapter 9: Miscellaneous
- Schedules