12. Contents of integrated waste management plans
- An integrated waste management plan must at least-
- contain a situation analysis that includes-
- a description of the population and development profiles of the area to which the plan relates;
- an assessment of the quantities and types of waste that are generated in the area;
- a description of the services that are provided, or that are available, for the collection, minimisation, re-use, recycling and recovery, treatment and disposal of waste; and
- the number of persons in the area who are not receiving waste collection services;
- within the domain of the Department, provincial department or municipality, set out how that Department, provincial department or municipality intends-
- to give effect, in respect of waste management, to Chapter 3 of the National Environmental Management Act;
- to give effect to the objects of this Act;
- to identify and address the negative impact of poor waste management practices on health and the environment;
- to provide for the implementation of waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and recovery targets and initiatives;
- in the case of a municipal integrated waste management plan, to address the delivery of waste management services to residential premises;
- to implement the Republic's obligations in respect of any relevant international agreements;
- to give effect to best environmental practice in respect of waste management;
- within the domain of the Department or provincial department, set out how the Department or provincial department intends to identify the measures that are required and that are to be implemented to support municipalities to give effect to the objects of this Act;
- set out the priorities and objectives of the Department, provincial department or municipality in respect of waste management;
- establish targets for the collection, minimisation, re-use and recycling of waste;
- set out the approach of the Department, provincial department or municipality to the planning of any new facilities for disposal and decommissioning of existing waste disposal facilities;
- indicate the financial resources that are required to give effect to the plan;
- describe how the Department, provincial department or municipality intends to give effect to its integrated waste management plan; and
- comply with the requirements prescribed by the Minister.
- In the preparation of an integrated waste management plan the Department and provincial departments must give proper effect to the requirements contained in Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act, insofar as such plan affects a municipality.
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