117. Custody of documents
Error message
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 23 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 930 of /var/www/sites/iwmp.sawic.org.za/includes/bootstrap.inc).Except where otherwise provided, all records and documents of a municipality are in the custody of the municipal manager.
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Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Interpretation
- Chapter 2: Legal nature and rights and duties of municipalities
- Chapter 3: Functions and powers
- Chapter 4: Community participation
- Chapter 5: Integrated development planning
- Chapter 6: Performance management
- Chapter 7: Local public administration and human resources
- Chapter 8: Municipal services
- Chapter 9: Credit control and debt collection
- Chapter 10: Provincial and National Monitoring and Standard Setting
- Chapter 11: Legal matters
- 109. Legal proceedings
- 110. Certain certificates to be evidence
- 111. Copy of Provincial Gazette as evidence
- 112. Prosecution of offences
- 113. Fines and bail
- 114. Time of notices and payments
- 115. Service of documents and process
- 116. Public servitudes
- 117. Custody of documents
- 118. Restraint on transfer of property
- Chapter 12: Miscellaneous
- Schedule 1: Code of conduct for councillors
- Schedule 2: Code of conduct for municipal staff members
- Schedule 3: Legislation Amended
- Amendment no. 7 of 2011