65. Review of delegations
Error message
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 23 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 930 of /var/www/sites/iwmp.sawic.org.za/includes/bootstrap.inc).- Whenever it becomes necessary in terms of section 59(2)(f) to review a municipality's delegations, the municipal manager must submit to the council-
- a report on the existing delegations issued in terms of section 59 by the council and other delegating authorities of the municipality; and
- recommendations on tiny changes to the existing delegations which the municipal manager may consider necessary.
- If the municipality has an executive committee or executive mayor, the municipal manager must submit the report and any recommendations to the municipal council through the executive committee or executive mayor.
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Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Interpretation
- Chapter 2: Legal nature and rights and duties of municipalities
- Chapter 3: Functions and powers
- Chapter 4: Community participation
- Chapter 5: Integrated development planning
- Chapter 6: Performance management
- Chapter 7: Local public administration and human resources
- Part 1: Basic principles
- Part 2: Political structures, political office bearers and roles
- Part 3: Delegation system
- 59. Delegations
- 60. Certain delegations restricted to executive committees or executive mayors
- 61. Referral of matters to delegating authorities for decision
- 62. Appeals
- 63. Duty to report to delegating authorities
- 64. Withdrawal, amendment or lapsing of delegation or subdelegation
- 65. Review of delegations
- Part 4: Staff matters
- Part 5: Miscellaneous
- Chapter 8: Municipal services
- Chapter 9: Credit control and debt collection
- Chapter 10: Provincial and National Monitoring and Standard Setting
- Chapter 11: Legal matters
- Chapter 12: Miscellaneous
- Schedule 1: Code of conduct for councillors
- Schedule 2: Code of conduct for municipal staff members
- Schedule 3: Legislation Amended
- Amendment no. 7 of 2011