101. Municipality’s right of access to premises
The occupier of premises in a municipality must give an authorized representative of the municipality or of a service provider access at all reasonable hours to the premises in order to read, inspect, install or repair any meter or service connection for reticulation, or to disconnect, stop or restrict the provision of any service.
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Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Interpretation
- Chapter 2: Legal nature and rights and duties of municipalities
- Chapter 3: Functions and powers
- Chapter 4: Community participation
- Chapter 5: Integrated development planning
- Chapter 6: Performance management
- Chapter 7: Local public administration and human resources
- Chapter 8: Municipal services
- Chapter 9: Credit control and debt collection
- 95. Customer care and management
- 96. Debt collection responsibility of municipalities
- 97. Contents of policy
- 98. By-laws to give effect to policy
- 99. Supervisory authority
- 100. Implementing authority
- 101. Municipality’s right of access to premises
- 102. Amounts
- 103. Agreements with employers
- 104. Regulations and guidelines
- Chapter 10: Provincial and National Monitoring and Standard Setting
- Chapter 11: Legal matters
- Chapter 12: Miscellaneous
- Schedule 1: Code of conduct for councillors
- Schedule 2: Code of conduct for municipal staff members
- Schedule 3: Legislation Amended
- Amendment no. 7 of 2011