List of acronyms
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DEA - Department of Environmental Affairs
DWA - Department of Water Affairs (Previously known as DWAF)
EHP's - Environmental Health Practitioners
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
GIS - Geographical Information System
IDP's - Integrated Development Plans
IndWMP's - Industry Waste Management Plans
IWMP – Integrated Waste Management Plan/s
MFMA- Municipal Finance Management Act, no 56 of 2003 MIG- Municipal Infrastructure GrantMEC - Member of Executive Council
MSA - Municipal Systems Act (Act no. 32 of 2000)
NEMWA - National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act No. 59 of 2008)
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation/s
NWMS - National Waste Management Strategy
SAWIC-South African Information CentreUNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
WEEE - Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment
WIS - Waste Information System
WMO - Waste Management Officer
Main menu - nice menus
Table of contents
- Executive Summary
- List of figures
- List of boxes
- List of tables
- List of graphs
- List of acronyms
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contents of the IWMP's
- 3. Communication and stakeholder participation
- 4. Implementation instruments
- 5. Approval process
- 6. Reporting on implementation, monitoring and review
- 7. References