59. Criteria for fit and proper person
Error message
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 23 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 930 of /var/www/sites/iwmp.sawic.org.za/includes/bootstrap.inc).In order to determine whether a person is a fit and proper person for the purposes of an application in terms of this Chapter, a licensing authority must take into account all relevant facts, including whether-
- that person has contravened or failed to comply with this Act, the Environment Conservation Act, the National Environmental Management Act or any other legislation applicable to waste management;
- that person has held a waste management licence or other authorisation that has been suspended or revoked or that person has not complied with a material condition of such waste management licence or authorisation;
- that person is or has been a director or senior manager of a company, firm or entity to whom paragraph (a) or (b) applies;
- that person has the ability to comply with this Act and any conditions subject to which the application may be granted; and
- the management of the waste management activity that is the subject of the application will be in the hands of a technically competent person.
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Table of contents
- Preamble
- Chapter 1: Interpretation and principles
- Chapter 2: National waste management strategy, norms and standards
- Chapter 3: Institutional and planning matters
- Chapter 4: Waste management measures
- Chapter 5: Licensing of waste management acativities
- 43. Licensing authority
- 44. Co-operative governance in waste management licence applications
- 45. Application for waste management licences
- 46. Appointment of persons to manage waste management licence applications
- 47. Procedure for waste management licence applications
- 48. Factors to be taken into account by licensing authority
- 49. Decision of licensing authorities on waste management licence applications
- 50. Issuing of waste management licences
- 51. Contents of waste management licences
- 52. Transfer of waste management licences
- 53. Review of waste management licences
- 54. Variation of waste management licences
- 55. Renewal of waste management licences
- 56. Revocation and suspension of waste management licences
- 57. Surrender of waste management licences
- 58. Waste management control officers
- 59. Criteria for fit and proper person
- Chapter 6: Waste information
- Chapter 7: Compliance and enforcement
- Chapter 8: General matters
- Chapter 9: Miscellaneous
- Schedules